Jennifer L. Rhodes
Maryland State Seat
Jennifer L. Rhodes owns and operates Deerfield Farms LLC and Hillsdale Farm, LLC, a poultry, grain and woodland operation with her two sons. The farms consists of 380 owned acres including a four-house chicken farm producing organic broilers and conventional cropland producing corn, wheat, soybeans, cover crops, conservation areas, and a managed forest. She is also employed as the principal agent for Agriculture and Food Systems, University of Maryland Extension, Queen Anne's County, Maryland. She is the chair of the AgFirst Bank District Legislative Advisory Committee and represents the AgFirst Bank District on the National Farm Credit Council Board. For further information related to specific duties, compensation, and days served in those positions, please see the AgFirst Farm Credit Bank 2024 Annual Report at www.agfirst.com. She serves on the following organizations’ board of directors: Compass Regional Hospice, Delmarva Chicken Association, US Roundtable for Sustainable Poultry & Eggs, Mid-Shore Community Foundation, and County Farm Bureau; Queen Anne's Soil Conservation District. She also serves on the Delmarva Land and Litter Challenge Steering Committee and is the past chair of the USDA MD State Farm Service Agency Committee (2018-2021), past president of the Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc (ending 2018), and the Maryland Association of County Agricultural Agents (2015).