Managing both a farm’s production and its associated business is a challenge.
Are you struggling to find the time to routinely review finances and budgets? Do you have dreams of diversifying, expanding or transitioning the business and don’t know where to start? How do your business decisions impact your farm’s revenue, net worth and taxes?
We bring our expertise to your kitchen table, first understanding your farm and personal goals, and then analyzing the business from every angle.
- Facilitation – Informing critical decisions that lead the planning process to a timely conclusion.
- Business planning – Determining the best business structure to achieve your professional and personal goals.
- Business analysis - Providing business summaries that help identify strengths and opportunities in your operation.
- Tax planning – Managing liabilities with up-to-date strategies so you don’t have to sell valuable assets to pay unanticipated tax bills.
- Leadership and management development – Equipping the senior generation to pass their knowledge and skills on to future generations.
- Organizational development – Bolstering farm businesses to be competitive and successful in a dynamic farm economy.
Balance Sheet & Income with Projections Form
This robust spreadsheet tool can help you establish a balance sheet and income projections.
Business Services offered by Horizon Farm Credit are available to Farm Credit eligible customers. Please contact a member of our Business Services team to learn more: 888.339.3334.