Richard D. Shuman
Pennsylvania State Seat
Richard D. Shuman is the owner and operator of RD Shuman Farms. The farm consists of 1,275 acres, 475 of which are owned and 800 rented from 25 different property owners. He is a grain farmer and raises dairy replacements and feeder beef. He does custom harvesting of small grains on an additional 300 acres. The operation periodically grows contract vegetables for a cannery and looks to continue that enterprise into the future. Rich's wife Deb is a high school math teacher, and they have two children. Steven, a machinist by trade and 10th generation to help operate the farm and Courtney, attending college at Penn State Main studying Animal Science. The family has been involved in 4-H for decades. Rich serves as a trustee of Mainville Volunteer Fire Department and volunteer firefighter. His past leadership roles include being a township supervisor (ending in 2018), County Farm Service Committee Vice Chair, Pennsylvania Farm Bureau County Vice President, PFB State board member, and American Farm Bureau YF&R committee member.