Horizon Farm Credit Awarding Grants to New and Beginning Farmers

Mechanicsburg, PA — Horizon Farm Credit invites new and beginning farmers to apply for the JumpStart program, which provides grant funding to help new farmers establish and grow their operations.
The JumpStart grant program awards $10,000 to top applicants in the start-up phase of business and is part of the larger, comprehensive Grow Ahead program, which provides additional resources and support for those just starting out in agriculture. This year, up to 15 JumpStart grants will be awarded.
Eligible applicants must be at least 18 years of age or older as of April 19, 2024, must have two years or less of farming experience — or be planning to begin farming within the next two years — and must reside in Horizon Farm Credit’s territory. Current Farm Credit customers and non-customers are eligible to apply.
Those meeting program requirements are encouraged to apply at horizonfc.com/jumpstart. Applications will be accepted March 1, 2024, through April 19, 2024, and there is no cost to apply.
“Supporting those seeking to make their mark in agriculture is vital to the growth and prosperity of the industry as whole,” said Tom Truitt, Horizon Farm Credit Chief Executive Officer. “Farm Credit is thrilled to help new and beginning farmers achieve their dreams by providing financial support, and the JumpStart program reinforces the Association’s commitment to delivering support for the next generation of farmers and producers.”
More information about the JumpStart grant program can be found at horizonfc.com/jumpstart, and questions can be directed to learning@horizonfc.com. To learn more about the comprehensive support Farm Credit provides to young and beginning farmers, visit horizonfc.com/growahead.
About Horizon Farm Credit
Horizon Farm Credit is a member-owned agricultural lending cooperative, providing consistent and reliable financing and related services to full- and part-time farmers, agricultural-related businesses, and rural landowners. The Association serves 100 counties across Delaware, Pennsylvania, and parts of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. The Association has more than 22,100 members and over $6.5 billion in loans outstanding. Learn more at horizonfc.com.