
| Published: January 13, 2022

2022 Community Education Program

sunset over field

The Farm Credit Foundation for Agricultural Advancement is now accepting applications for Phase I of its Community Education Program, providing up to $10,000 to local non-profit organizations that benefit agriculture education. The program will offer funding for projects that make a positive impact within MidAtlantic Farm Credit’s footprint and Washington D.C.

“Agriculture education plays a vital role in the future of our industry,” says Charles Wright IV, Chairman of the Foundation. “This program will assist the many local organizations that offer ag-related activities, programs, and trainings to our community. The Foundation encourages those eligible to apply for funding to continue creating educational opportunities.”

Funding options include up to $2,000 and up to $10,000, depending on the size and scope of the project. Applications will be accepted online in two phases:

  • Phase I: Now – June 30, 2022
  • Phase II: July 1, 2022 – October 20, 2022

Qualified programs must serve communities within MidAtlantic Farm Credit’s 44 county footprint and Washington D.C. and be consistent with the values and mission of the Foundation. Requests that meet the selection criteria are considered by the Foundation Board. Only 501(c)(3) organizations or those otherwise exempt from federal income tax will be considered.

For more information about the requirements, guidelines and restrictions of the Community Education Program and to apply for funding, visit

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| Published: June 15, 2022

Placeholder event featured

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque efficitur enim in risus vestibulum, ut varius dolor posuere. Vivamus id ultrices nibh. Nunc ac interdum turpis. Vivamus lacinia luctus tellus, sed vestibulum mauris pharetra blandit. Aliquam nibh nunc, pharetra pretium est vitae, mattis tincidunt eros. Cras tristique magna nisl, id pretium lorem tempus imperdiet. Aenean est tellus, tincidunt et risus quis, bibendum blandit ante. Morbi vehicula nec sem eget malesuada. Phasellus maximus ipsum sed eros blandit, eu tincidunt justo facilisis. Praesent non vulputate dui. Curabitur cursus, mi in tempus aliquet, sem eros sagittis lectus, non fringilla risus nunc in quam. Maecenas auctor congue lorem dictum auctor. Nulla viverra elit quis fringilla hendrerit. Ut pellentesque varius laoreet. Etiam consectetur, tellus quis pulvinar tempus, erat urna viverra turpis, a consequat augue urna ut tellus. Nunc at turpis a diam tempus mattis. Nulla sit amet feugiat velit. Aliquam vestibulum luctus quam et ullamcorper. Donec ullamcorper volutpat justo vitae rhoncus. Aenean vel porttitor nunc, quis ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse vitae maximus tellus, sed pharetra arcu. Maecenas dictum lectus quis risus semper hendrerit. Donec vel ligula vitae purus venenatis commodo. Proin tempor nisi vitae sapien luctus commodo. Aenean ex purus, ultricies ac felis id, tempor consequat arcu. Vivamus sem mi, cursus ullamcorper congue pretium, laoreet a orci. Etiam euismod erat convallis arcu aliquam, eget finibus erat sodales. Etiam et sem mi. Aliquam eleifend dapibus lacinia. Quisque maximus blandit leo. Nulla sit amet malesuada leo, convallis semper dolor. Nullam convallis elit velit, ac sagittis metus euismod a. Duis in mollis ex. Nulla facilisi. Aenean a volutpat ipsum. Phasellus sed odio tellus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque efficitur enim in risus vestibulum, ut varius dolor posuere. Vivamus id ultrices nibh. Nunc ac interdum turpis. Vivamus lacinia luctus tellus, sed vestibulum mauris pharetra blandit. Aliquam nibh nunc, pharetra pretium est vitae, mattis tincidunt eros. Cras tristique magna nisl, id pretium lorem tempus imperdiet. Aenean est tellus, tincidunt et risus quis, bibendum blandit ante. Morbi vehicula nec sem eget malesuada. Phasellus maximus ipsum sed eros blandit, eu tincidunt justo facilisis. Praesent non vulputate dui. Curabitur cursus, mi in tempus aliquet, sem eros sagittis lectus, non fringilla risus nunc in quam. Maecenas auctor congue lorem dictum auctor. Nulla viverra elit quis fringilla hendrerit.

Ut pellentesque varius laoreet. Etiam consectetur, tellus quis pulvinar tempus, erat urna viverra turpis, a consequat augue urna ut tellus. Nunc at turpis a diam tempus mattis. Nulla sit amet feugiat velit. Aliquam vestibulum luctus quam et ullamcorper. Donec ullamcorper volutpat justo vitae rhoncus. Aenean vel porttitor nunc, quis ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse vitae maximus tellus, sed pharetra arcu. Maecenas dictum lectus quis risus semper hendrerit.

Donec vel ligula vitae purus venenatis commodo. Proin tempor nisi vitae sapien luctus commodo. Aenean ex purus, ultricies ac felis id, tempor consequat arcu. Vivamus sem mi, cursus ullamcorper congue pretium, laoreet a orci. Etiam euismod erat convallis arcu aliquam, eget finibus erat sodales. Etiam et sem mi. Aliquam eleifend dapibus lacinia. Quisque maximus blandit leo. Nulla sit amet malesuada leo, convallis semper dolor. Nullam convallis elit velit, ac sagittis metus euismod a. Duis in mollis ex. Nulla facilisi. Aenean a volutpat ipsum. Phasellus sed odio tellus.

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| Published: May 03, 2022

Placeholder event

Bottom Text.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque efficitur enim in risus vestibulum, ut varius dolor posuere. Vivamus id ultrices nibh. Nunc ac interdum turpis. Vivamus lacinia luctus tellus, sed vestibulum mauris pharetra blandit. Aliquam nibh nunc, pharetra pretium est vitae, mattis tincidunt eros. Cras tristique magna nisl, id pretium lorem tempus imperdiet. Aenean est tellus, tincidunt et risus quis, bibendum blandit ante. Morbi vehicula nec sem eget malesuada. Phasellus maximus ipsum sed eros blandit, eu tincidunt justo facilisis. Praesent non vulputate dui. Curabitur cursus, mi in tempus aliquet, sem eros sagittis lectus, non fringilla risus nunc in quam. Maecenas auctor congue lorem dictum auctor. Nulla viverra elit quis fringilla hendrerit.

Ut pellentesque varius laoreet. Etiam consectetur, tellus quis pulvinar tempus, erat urna viverra turpis, a consequat augue urna ut tellus. Nunc at turpis a diam tempus mattis. Nulla sit amet feugiat velit. Aliquam vestibulum luctus quam et ullamcorper. Donec ullamcorper volutpat justo vitae rhoncus. Aenean vel porttitor nunc, quis ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse vitae maximus tellus, sed pharetra arcu. Maecenas dictum lectus quis risus semper hendrerit.

Donec vel ligula vitae purus venenatis commodo. Proin tempor nisi vitae sapien luctus commodo. Aenean ex purus, ultricies ac felis id, tempor consequat arcu. Vivamus sem mi, cursus ullamcorper congue pretium, laoreet a orci. Etiam euismod erat convallis arcu aliquam, eget finibus erat sodales. Etiam et sem mi. Aliquam eleifend dapibus lacinia. Quisque maximus blandit leo. Nulla sit amet malesuada leo, convallis semper dolor. Nullam convallis elit velit, ac sagittis metus euismod a. Duis in mollis ex. Nulla facilisi. Aenean a volutpat ipsum. Phasellus sed odio tellus.

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| Published: February 25, 2022

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)


What is Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) and why do I need it?

With the never-ending fluctuation and unpredictability of the market, Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is something all cattle producers should consider. The primary purpose of LRP is to protect against the unexpected downward price movement in the marketplace by setting a base on any given date and type of cattle you wish to insure.

The producer should determine when their cattle will be marketed, target weight, and number of head they wish to insure. There are a variety of coverage level options ranging from 70 to 100 percent of the expected ending value. At the end of the selected insurance period, if the actual ending value is below the coverage price, you will be paid an indemnity for the difference in price.

How does livestock risk protection work?

Livestock Risk Protection

Assume: Producer expects to market 1,000 head of 11cwt cattle and selects coverage of $66.24


1000 head x 11cwt x $66.24


Actual Ending Value

1000 head x 11cwt x $65.21


Loss Payment

Assume 100% Ownership


*This is for demonstration purposes only. This scenario is not based on an actual claim and should not be compared to an actual claim. Chart originally produced by Rain and Hail LLC*

It is important to remember that your local selling price has no impact on the LRP policy. LRP coverage uses prices from the CME Group that are announced almost daily.  As of 2020, LRP (Cattle) is now available in all states when the market is available.

LRP has two types of coverage for cattle available:

1. Feeder Cattle with ending weights under 600lbs or 600lbs-900lbs, and

2. Fed Cattle with ending weights between 1,000lbs-1,400lbs that will be marketed for slaughter near the end of the insurance period.

What is the difference between Livestock Risk Protection and Livestock Insurance?

LRP does not cover death, disease, or any other peril, whereas livestock insurance does. It is important that you keep an open communication with your agent if something of this nature should arise. If your policy does trigger a loss, there will be documentation that the agent and insurance company will require you to fill out and turn in to show proof of ownership, and sale or retention within the appropriate sale window of 60 calendar days from the closing date of your specific coverage endorsement. Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) provides you with a defense against declining livestock prices for fed cattle, feeder cattle, and swine by setting a base on any given date and type of cattle or swine you wish to insure.

How to get LRP

You must buy an LRP through a crop insurance agent who has taken the extra training courses for livestock coverage. You can fill out an application at any time, however coverage will not attach until you sign a specific coverage endorsement. Timing on this policy is everything. Once the market closes in the afternoon, you have until the following morning to get the paperwork signed with the agent to attach coverage to your cattle. Like other crop insurance policies, this policy is subsidized by the federal government as long as you meet all the requirement guidelines.

The good news is our crop insurance agents are certified and ready to help you sign up for livestock risk protection through our Crop Insurance program. Give us a call or visit to request to speak with an agent as soon as possible.

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